Frequently Asked Questions

This section tries to cover all questions you may have as a plugin developer. (If you are a user, check out the User FAQ instead.)

Where can I find the user who called a command?

The msg object passed to all event method as well as command methods is an supybot.ircmsgs.IrcMsg object, which stores the content of the message, the nick and hostname of its author, etc. Check the documentation of supybot.ircmsgs.IrcMsg to see all available attributes.:w

Where can I find the hostname from a user’s nick?

The irc object passed to all event method as well as command methods is an supybot.irclib.Irc object, use irc.state.nickToHostmask

How do I get channel modes when writing a plugin?

I want to know who’s an op in a certain channel, or who’s voiced, or what the modes on the channel are. How do I do that?

Everything you need is kept in a ChannelState object in an IrcState object in the Irc object your plugin is given. To see the ops in a given channel, for instance, you would do this:


To see a dictionary mapping mode chars to values (if any), you would do this:


From there, things should be self-evident.