Getting Started with Limnoria/Supybot¶
Ok, so you’ve decided to try out Limnoria. That’s great! The more people who use Limnoria, the more people can submit bugs and help us to make it the best IRC bot in the world :)
At this point, we assume you’ve already followed the steps to install and configure Limnoria, and that the bot has connected to the network you specified.
When the bot is in a channel, it will respond by default to messages prefixed by
its nick (e.g. supybot: echo hi
), or any prefixes you configured inside the
wizard (e.g. @echo hi
). If you haven’t told it to join any channels,
you can also send it direct messages, in which case no prefix is required.
Finding the bot’s commands¶
Limnoria uses a two tier system for its commands, where each command is
registered under a plugin. The first step to navigating Limnoria is to run
, which will show you all the plugins loaded:
<user> supybot: list
<supybot> Admin, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Misc, Network, Owner, Plugin, User, and Utilities
Replacing ‘supybot’ with the actual name you picked for your bot, of course.
At least Admin, Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User should be
there; if you used supybot-wizard
to create your configuration file you may
have many more plugins loaded. The list
command can then be used to list the
commands in a given plugin:
<user> supybot: list Misc
<supybot> user: apropos, clearmores, completenick, help, last, list, more, noticetell, ping, source, tell, and version
This lists all the commands in the Misc plugin. If you want to see the help for a specific command, you can then use the help command:
<user> supybot: help help
<supybot> user: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. You may also want to use the 'list' command to list all available plugins and commands.
<user> supybot: help list
<supybot> user: (list [--unloaded] [<plugin>]) -- Lists the commands available in the given plugin. If no plugin is given, lists the public plugins available. If --unloaded is given, it will list available plugins that are not loaded.
<user> supybot: help load
<supybot> user: (load <plugin>) -- Loads the plugin <plugin> from any of the directories in conf.supybot.directories.plugins; usually this includes the main installed directory and 'plugins' in the current directory.
Sometimes more than one plugin will register a given command; for instance, the
command exists in both the Misc and Config plugins (both loaded by
default). list
, in this case, defaults to the Misc plugin, but you may want
to get the help for the list command in the Config plugin. In that case,
you can prefix your command with the name of the plugin:
<user> supybot: help config list
<supybot> user: (config list <group>) -- Returns the configuration variables available under the given configuration <group>. If a variable has values under it, it is preceded by an '@' sign.
Anytime your bot tells you that a given command is defined in several plugins,
you’ll need to use this “plugin command” syntax to choose which
plugin’s command you wish to call. For instance, if you wanted to call the
Config plugin’s list
command, then you’d need to say:
<user> supybot: config list
Rather than just list
Making Limnoria Recognize You¶
For making the bot to identify to services, please see identifying to services.
If you ran the wizard, then it is almost certainly the case that you already added an owner user for yourself. If not, however, you can add one via the handy-dandy ‘supybot-adduser’ script. You’ll want to run it while the bot is not running (otherwise it could overwrite supybot-adduser’s changes to your user database before you get a chance to reload them). Just follow the prompts, and when it asks if you want to give the user any capabilities, say yes and then give yourself the ‘owner’ capability, restart the bot and you’ll be ready to load some plugins!
Now, in order for the bot to recognize you as your owner user, you’ll have to identify with the bot.
Open up a query window in your irc client (‘/query’ should do it; if not, just know that you can’t identify in a channel because it requires sending your password to the bot). Then type this:
<user> help identify
<supybot> (identify <name> <password>) -- Identifies the user as <name>. This command (and all other commands that include a password) must be sent to the bot privately, not in a channel.
And follow the instructions; the command you send will probably look like this, with ‘myowneruser’ and ‘myuserpassword’ replaced:
<user> identify myowneruser myuserpassword
<supybot> The operation succeeded
The bot told you ‘The operation succeeded’, meaning that you got the right name and password. Now that you’re identified, you can do anything that requires any privilege: that includes all the commands in the Owner and Admin plugins, which you may want to take a look at (using the list and help commands, of course). One command in particular that you might want to use (it’s from the User plugin) is the ‘hostmask add’ command: it lets you add a hostmask to your user record so the bot recognizes you by your hostmask instead of requiring you always to identify with it before it recognizes you. Use the ‘help’ command to see how this command works. Here’s how I often use it:
<user> hostmask add myuser [hostmask] mypassword
<supybot> The operation succeeded
You may not have seen that ‘[hostmask]’ syntax before. Limnoria allows nested commands, which means that any command’s output can be nested as an argument to another command. The hostmask command from the User plugin returns the hostmask of a given nick, but if given no arguments, it returns the hostmask of the person giving the command. So the command above adds the hostmask I’m currently using to my user’s list of recognized hostmasks. I’m only required to give mypassword if I’m not already identified with the bot.
It might often be better to specify the hostmask by yourself instead of
nesting the hostmask command as the hostmask command gives your exact
hostmask of that moment meaning nick!ident@host
which means that you
will get unidentified if you change your nickname.
You can specify hostmasks in two other forms depending on the situation, or rely on network services (ie. NickServ).
Wildcard nick¶
In case your username and host stay the same or there aren’t bots on same server which could get identified as me to other bots, you can use:
<user> user hostmask add myuser *!myident@myhost
<supybot> The operation succeeded
I only recommend this if there is ident server configured and the IRC network checks for it.
Host only¶
In case you are the only one who has the same host (cloaks/vhosts on many networks which have account in them, (for example Libera) or server where no one else has access and no bots share it either), you can use:
<user> user hostmask add myuser *!*@mycloak
<supybot> The operation succeeded
Mycloak at Libera is usually in format user/accountname
. You
can usually request hostmasks using HostServ, /msg HostServ help
, or
asking on help channel of your IRC network, in case of Libera that is
#libera. OFTC is exception to this and uses
/msg NickServ set cloak on
, but whatever your network users, you can
ask it on their help channel.
Using network services¶
This requires you to load the NickAuth plugin (see next section of this page for loading plugins).
NickAuth allows you to identify to the bot using your NickServ account. First I add my NickServ account name which I can see with “/whois Mikaela Mikaela” (because my current nick is Mikaela). It gives me something like:
[Mikaela] is logged in as Mikaela
Now I tell the bot add my NickServ account Mikaela to my bot user on Libera. The syntax is [<network>] <bot-username> <NickServ-account>:
<Mikaela> +nickauth nick add Libera Mikaela Mikaela
<Yvzabevn> OK.
Next time when I identify to NickServ I will get identified automatically if the bot sees that I was identified when I joined. This requires server to support extended-join and WHOX. Most of modern networks support them, but if your bot is using some bouncer, it might not support them.
Automatic identification doesn’t work always even when it’s supported, but when it fails, I can always use the NickAuth Auth command to identify to the bot:
<Guest45020> +whoami
<Yvzabevn> I don't recognize you. You can messsage me either of these two commands: "user identify <username> <password>" to log in or "user register <username> <password>" to register.
<Guest45020> +nickauth auth
<Yvzabevn> You are now authenticated as Mikaela.
Loading Plugins¶
Let’s take a look at loading other plugins. If you didn’t use supybot-wizard, though, you might do well to try it before playing around with loading plugins yourself: each plugin has its own configure function that the wizard uses to setup the appropriate registry entries if the plugin requires any.
If you do want to play around with loading plugins, you’re going to need to have the owner capability.
Remember earlier when I told you to try help load
? That’s the very command
you’ll be using. Basically, if you want to load, say, the Games plugin, then
load Games
. Simple, right? If you need a list of the plugins you can load,
you’ll have to list the directory the plugins are in (using whatever command
is appropriate for your operating system, either ‘ls’ or ‘dir’).
Understanding the help syntax¶
The syntax of a command describes how to run a command. The syntax is given by the help command. Some examples:
- help [<plugin>] [<command>]
This is the help of help <plugin>.
The chevrons mean you have to replace <plugin> and <command> by a plugin name and a command name.
The brackets mean the argument they wrap is optional.
So, the fellowing commands are correct:
<user> help <user> help PluginName <user> help PluginName CommandName <user> help CommandName
- ping takes no arguments
This is the help for ping takes no arguments.
I think it is clear enough.
- join <channel> [<key>]
This is the help for join <channel> [<key>].
It requires a channel name, and the channel key is optional.
This two commands are ok:
<user> join #limnoria <user> join #limnoria MySecretKey
- utilities last <text> [<text> …]
This is the help for last <text> [<text> ...]. By the way, there is another
command in the Misc plugin, which doesn’t do the same thing, that’s why you need to give the plugin name.You have to give at least one argument, but you can give as many as you wish.
Getting More From Your Limnoria¶
Another command you might find yourself needing somewhat often is the ‘more’
command. The IRC protocol limits messages to 512 bytes, 60 or so of which
must be devoted to some bookkeeping. Sometimes, however, Limnoria wants to
send a message that’s longer than that. What it does, then, is break it into
“chunks” and send the first one, following it with (X more messages)
X is how many more chunks there are. To get to these chunks, use the more
command. One way to try is to look at the default value of
supybot.replies.genericNoCapability – it’s so long that it’ll stretch
across two messages:
<jemfinch|lambda> $config default
<lambdaman> jemfinch|lambda: You're missing some capability
you need. This could be because you actually
possess the anti-capability for the capability
that's required of you, or because the channel
provides that anti-capability by default, or
because the global capabilities include that
anti-capability. Or, it could be because the
channel or the global defaultAllow is set to
False, meaning (1 more message)
<jemfinch|lambda> $more
<lambdaman> jemfinch|lambda: that no commands are allowed
unless explicitly in your capabilities. Either
way, you can't do what you want to do.
So basically, the bot keeps, for each person it sees, a list of “chunks” which are “released” one at a time by the more command. In fact, you can even get the more chunks for another user: if you want to see another chunk in the last command jemfinch gave, for instance, you would just say more jemfinch after which, his “chunks” now belong to you. So, you would just need to say more to continue seeing chunks from jemfinch’s initial command.
Final Word¶
You should now have a solid foundation for using Limnoria. You can use the list command to see what plugins your bot has loaded and what commands are in those plugins; you can use the ‘help’ command to see how to use a specific command, and you can use the ‘more’ command to continue a long response from the bot. With these three commands, you should have a strong basis with which to discover the rest of the features of Limnoria!
Do be sure to read our other documentation and make use of the resources we provide for assistance; this website and, of course, #limnoria on if you run into any trouble!